Black Blogger Book Tag
I’ve seen this Black Blogger Book Tag floating around. I wanted to hop on the trend…which originally starts as a Black Booktuber tag, created by Blkandsapphicreads. Instead, I will be answering these questions on my blog.
Reading Habits Book Tag
I found this book tag on Pinterest. As it always happens with these tags I coincidentally stumbled upon this one from The Wordy Habitat. It’s good to do something different other than book reviews.
Rapid Fire Book Tag
I found this rapid-fire book tag online and thought it would be fun to do! It was originally created by Girl Reading.
A Total Mood…Being A Mood Reader
Not until this year of 2020 did I understand what it meant to be a mood reader. I can say with certainty that I’m indeed a mood reader. My mood dictates how and what I read; even when I read.