Black Blogger Book Tag
I’ve seen this Black Blogger Book Tag floating around. I wanted to hop on the trend…which originally starts as a Black Booktuber tag, created by Blkandsapphicreads. Instead, I will be answering these questions on my blog.
Reading Habits Book Tag
I found this book tag on Pinterest. As it always happens with these tags I coincidentally stumbled upon this one from The Wordy Habitat. It’s good to do something different other than book reviews.
Rapid Fire Book Tag
I found this rapid-fire book tag online and thought it would be fun to do! It was originally created by Girl Reading.
I’m Watching…Forty Year Old Version
The film touches on serious topics in a light-hearted witticism. Radha confronts race with her Harlem Ave. play about gentrification but waiting to have it produced. She tackles ageism with the sweet depiction of an older woman and younger man romance and body quips you only understand as you get older. She confronts authenticity with her play because she has to make compromises in order to have her play produced.