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So I came across the 2021 NetGalley and Edelweiss Reading Challenge and thought this would really help get through my shelves. I get many e-ARCs from Netgally and Edelweiss and never able read the ones I get in a timely manner. Below you will see what my 2021 goal is. I had to be very realistic about this goal that is why it is set low. If I exceed great; if I meet it great too! If you want to know more about this challenge please continue to read how to join and what the rules are.
Hosted by Socrates Book Reviews (sign up here)
Duration: January 2021 – December 2021
My Personal Goal: 10 Books
Download my book review template to help you write your reviews faster. I use this already, it will definitely come in handy for the Netgalley and Edelweiss reviews.
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6 Responses
Thank you for joining the NetGalley/Edelweiss Reading Challenge. I hope you have a great 2021!
Thank you!
Good luck with your challenge!
Im usually on-top of my ARC readings, mostly because my OCD won’t let me NOT review a book. Even books for pleasure. My bullet journal has also helped a great deal.
Thank you! A bullet journal is a great idea.