Reading Challenge New Year’s Resolution

2021 Reading Challenge

So I came across the 2021 NetGalley and Edelweiss Reading Challenge and thought this would really help get through my shelves. Read on to see how to join the challenge.

I’m Reading…The Vanishing Half

Lovecraft Country,Book Review,HBO,HBOMax,Matt Ruff,Horror,Black people. Zombies,monsters,Jim Crow,library. librarian,reading,books,racism,racist,Jordan Peele

The themes in the book are relatable as they were back 40 years ago when the story took place, to now. The overarching theme of the book that I took away was identity. Brit addresses the issues of colorism, Gender identity, and who exactly am I. All the main characters grapple with this existential problem.

A Total Mood…Being A Mood Reader

Total Mood Being a Mood Reader Blog Post

Not until this year of 2020 did I understand what it meant to be a mood reader. I can say with certainty that I’m indeed a mood reader. My mood dictates how and what I read; even when I read.

I’m Watching…Forty Year Old Version

The 40 Year Old Version Movie Review | OMG! Kaya Reads

The film touches on serious topics in a light-hearted witticism. Radha confronts race with her Harlem Ave. play about gentrification but waiting to have it produced. She tackles ageism with the sweet depiction of an older woman and younger man romance and body quips you only understand as you get older. She confronts authenticity with her play because she has to make compromises in order to have her play produced.